Put your skills to good use in one of many careers of tomorrow, working for exciting companies that operate in Québec’s digital creation field.
The numbers say it all!
↗ $1.2 billion
Annual contribution of the sector to Québec’s economy.
→ 10 years
The average age of Québec companies working in this area. 20% of these are under three years old.
↗ 10%
The sector’s annual job growth rate in Québec.
↗ 85%
of the jobs that will exist in 2030 have yet to be invented, according to a 2017 study by Dell Technologies and the Institute for the Future (IFTF),
*First portrayal of Québec’s digital creativity industry, Xn Québec, 2018

Hundreds of computer graphics companies in Quebec
Contribute your artistic and creative talents to innovative projects on the cutting edge of technology.

Countless careers for the next generation of qualified workers
You don’t need to be a programmer or computer scientists to work in computer graphics. Discover the wide range of careers with artistic profiles in this fast-growing industry.

See also
Study in computer graphics