SYNTHÈSE launches a 4th call for projects to enrich its EXPERTS platform EXPERTS
SYNTHÈSE – Pôle Image Québec is pleased to launch a new call for projects aimed at enriching its EXPERTS online platform by pursuing the development of continuing training for production studio workers who are members of the Quebec Film and Television Council (QFTC), La Guilde du jeu vidéo du Québec and Xn Québec.
Through this call for projects, SYNTHÈSE wishes to financially support public higher education institutions for the development of asynchronous online training content in the visual effects, 2D and 3D animation, video game, immersive environments, large-scale digital installations and virtual reality sectors.
More specifically, these courses are designed for intermediate to advanced industry professionals who need to renew their digital creative or technical skills as well as their management skills, in order to keep up with the changing realities of the market or to reach higher hierarchical positions. Bilingual projects (French and English) will be encouraged.
Projects submitted must be related to the themes identified in the table of training modules, presented in the appendix of the Guide to the call for projects. Project applications will be accepted until midnight on January 31, 2022. Decisions will be communicated no later than February 14, 2022. Successful projects must be completed and submitted for publication on the EXPERTS platform by April 29, 2022.
Production studios interested in developing training content are encouraged to partner with an eligible educational institution. Trainers can be industry workers, professors or lecturers.
Interested in participating as a trainer or educational institution? SYNTHÈSE can help you identify and/or connect you with the right resources to develop your training offer, simply by contacting us at: experts@polesynthese.com
Finally, the selected training projects will be disseminated by SYNTHÈSE via its web platform EXPERTS, a common virtual place that facilitates a real community of mutual aid and learning for our industry.
To participate, you will find all the details of the call for projects in the documents below:
For any questions or comments, please send them to: experts@polesynthese.com
Do not hesitate to share this information. We look forward to receiving your content!